This often pops up in Christian circles when someone wants to avoid being considered an anti-scientific creationist mystic who isn't up on the latest in anti-biblical theology.
Of course the first thing to ask the claimant is "How?"
How does God 'use' evolution? What happens?
Best also to ask what the person understands by 'evolution'
They probably think that it is a real, observed and calibrated natural process of the formation of unique 'body-plans' and systematic functionality of organisms.
Firstly, if this is so, there simply isn't enough time, even in a 14 billion-year-old universe, let alone a merely 4 billion-year-old earth for the known rate of mutations and the population genetics considerations to produce the divergent body plans and underlying differentiated biotic systems of life.
Secondly, the idea of 'theistic evolution' obscures God in nature. It holds that God used—albeit in an undetectable way—evolutionary mechanisms to produce all forms of life. It is at best deist, and more properly pantheistic While the scriptures tell us that Christ upholds all creation it also tells us that creation declares God's glory, not obscures it in wasteful destruction of his creatures. Furthermore, the state of creation we see now, is not good: Paul tells us that it is in slavery to corruption. Doesn't sound like God at work to me!
See: Problem with Theistic Evolution, Meyer on Theistic-evolution and Theistic-evolution contradiction for starters.
On Neo-Darwinian Evolution (NDE), evolution is a haphazard, yet not properly hypothesized process where random chemical actions produce increasingly complex (consistent with Darwin's Victorian era progressivist ethos) closely coupled interacting biological systems that improve an organism's rate of reproduction (on the Malthusian presumption of food limitation) to ultimately eliminate organisms that are less complexly functional. Yet such organisms do survive and propagate in abundance!
It has no real, observed, valid process for this, just a bunch of words and fanciful diagrams in books. Or deceit, such as Peppered Moths, Embryonic re-capitulation and so on.
That aside, it proceeds by the much vaunted intellectual deceit of 'natural selection'. This is better termed natural non-deselection. Nature culls out the organisms that are comparatively more miss-fitted to a particular ecology than others. Nature has no cognition, so it does not 'select' even by analogy. All it does is kill off some organisms less vigorously than others.
One factor underpinning the contemporary lurch to Theistic-evolution in some Christian circles is a pagan view of the Bible!
What I mean is that the Bible is conceptualized as a 'spiritual' or even worse a 'moral wisdom' book within a world that is of no interest to God, and disconnected to salvation. But the scriptures tell us differently.
Genesis 1 sets out a concrete creation that is an event in history, in the flow of history from creation to incarnation to kingdom and that encapsulates the history of the relationship between creator and creature-in-his-image.
The scriptures frequently connect the material world and God's 'world' and with spiritual implications: Psalms, Proverbs 3:19,20, slabs of Isaiah and other prophets, etc., let alone the NT connections, including notably Colossians 1:16, ff. The New Creation is promised in very material terms, and even Job knew this: 19:25ff.