22 October 2008


At the service last Sunday, when the sermon on Genesis 1 was given, the Reader for the service, who is a teacher at a secondary school, mentioned his experience of the religious ed. studies that he gives.

He said something like, he can talk about Jesus and his sacrifice till the cows come home, but then his students will ask about how the dinosaurs fit in.

It seems that children have a firmer view of the need for resolution of the quesitions that emerge between the Bible and modern atheistic-derived views of our history: the world takes its history back to dust, the Bible takes ours back to the one who made the dust: a person, not innanimate matter.

Now, the concerning thing is this: people looking for answers to real questions, that are framed with an appreciation of the concreteness of this world, and therefore that must attend to its history, are given answers that neglect the real world, and instead escape into a nonexistent land of myth and fantasy, that we never touch, in 'real' life.

Then I look at Paul's sermon in Acts 17 and wonder why the church has not learnt from his connecting the gospel to God as creator...maybe that's the 'connect' that Connect09 should be making!