15 October 2009

Dateable time

In the 'Life of Jesus' video, John Dickson makes the comment that the gospels set Jesus in 'dateable time'. This gives the gospels at least face credibility, because they talk about what happened in a way that we can connect with. We can make the trace between then and now, and clearly thus share the same world as the events of the gospels.

Similarly for the creation. 'Life of Jesus' talks about our creator, but without giving him a concrete real time relationship with us. But the Bible goes to some lengths to put the creation into dateable time. In fact, it is used by some Jews to set their calendar! If the creation didn't occur in dateable time, then God can't really make a claim on being a creator in any real sense, because he can't link his actions with our world, so 'creator' as myth, not as fact, as fairy tale, rather than the event which determines, dominates and defines our existential situation!

The alternative is that in principle it did occur in dateable time, but so very long ago, in a manner we have no access to that we just have to take it on faith. But this is not biblical faith; that rests on real events and real actions.