1 November 2009


Most churches go to some length to ensure that new-commers are welcomed to their meetings.

This morning I had reason to visit a church that was new to me. I was welcomed in a friendly manner, although I found it a little strange to be offered a 'temporary name tag'! I'm not a name tag kind of guy.

The service, unfortunately, left me a little cold. There was nothing particularly wrong with it; aside from having two introductory songs, a practice that I hate with a passion. Many decades ago I conducted that self same experiment: singing two hymns, consecutively; it went like an old pancake, so I didn't try it again. Standing for one song is quite enough; two is completely unnecessary.

Aside from that, the service felt like a childrens' service. No adult content at all; no sermon, which is not in itself a bad thing, but the puppet show which substituted was no substitute, really; although well done.

Not being able to see the words of a song sung during the show didn't help.

All that out of the way, I felt a little 'lost' upon leaving. My family not with me I didn't really want to stay for morning tea, but could have if met at the door by a 'fareweller'. As it was there was no one, no minister; the person who conducted the service or spoke was not in sight, so I just walked out, unnoticed. I felt unnoticed, if not ignored, and certainly not really welcome. Pity.