3 January 2010

True Spirituality

I'm re-reading Schaeffer's book of the name of this post. Third  time, I think, and worthwhile.

I like the way he addresses the pivot of Christian spirituality being in our inward movement, naturally, away from godliness, and Christ's turning of that.

But then I think of typical evangelicalism, where spirituality gets short shrift, as though the entirety of Christian life and experience is in the new birth. This touches on the earlier series of posts on sermons: do they help us, encourage us to live as though not of this world? as though thinking in a renewed manner about everything that can be thought about? do they point us to live as those who will live forever, and make decisions, adopt attitudes and join relationships with that as our theme: to be able to sacrifice, forgive, love and extend to others?

These are all places I am exposed in...but there seems to be a poverty of thought in these places to aid the Christian walk.