21 April 2014

Tips for atheists

On the Drum (an ABC discussion forum), John Dickson helpful gives atheists some tips about discussing with Christians.

He gets a few points for trying, looses points for being condescending and smug, but shoots himself in his foot when it gets to '6-day creation'.

Naturally, he steps around it on the 'popular vote' principle (you know, science is established by popular vote), but fails theologically.

What is hilarious is that many of the comments on Dickson's tips fell back to 'science' (admittedly, in a juvenile and superficial manner) to rebut his views that themselves start with an ungrounded creation: a creation account that has no real world connections is just like a creation account that means nothing; it is the real world as locus of our being together that counts. If God cannot make the connection in terms of the very creation that he authored, then there is no connection to be made, and the 'ground of our being' is not God, but as the materialists have it.

Thanks John, you've just thrown the race and helped more people to perdition.