25 May 2009

Dinosaur Bells

In my church news this week:

"Bell Ringing - 24 May
This afternoon, a peal will be attempted between 4pm and 7pm. If successful, the method, composed by a Sydney Ringer, will be called Muttaburrasaurus Delight Major; named for a a Cretaceous dinosaur fossil found at Muttaburra, North Queensland. This will be the first peal in the method in the world."

There seems to be a view in some quarters that dinosaurs present some sort of challenge to the Bible's reliability. See here, for instance.

Not so, of course, but intriguing that the conceptualisation of the history of the world that starts with the absence of God (in idealist rejection of the physical validity of the Bible) is given credibility. I refer to the uncommented mention of 'Cretaceous' in the quote. It is in a publication by a church that claims to accept the Bible as the authoritative word of God spoken into the material cosmos he created as the setting for his relationship with us!