18 January 2014

Evolution...settled science? No! Belief system

Nice piece by Albert Mohler on this topic. It reminded me a little of Evolution as a Religion by Mary Midgley.

I like a lot of Al's blog posts, but I don't really want to connect with him in my side bar, because there's also lots I don't like. But that goes for most public Christians (and private ones). At least we have diversity in the church!

One of his works that I do like is a talk at the 2010 Ligonier conference on the age of the universe. Many think this is merely an obscure 'scientific' question. It is not, it is a question about the biblical frame of reference and its conception of the world. It goes to the heart of the matter.

While you're at it, check out materialism and the age of the earth, and Geisler's 'Beware of Philosophy' in the JETS 42.1. You can find the link on theological studies.

Here is a selection of Al's work on evolution'ism'