27 January 2014

Shown the door

Comment on Challies latest post on 'accountability'

Quote: "effective accountability [is]…able to function best when it occurs under the leadership..."

The American church seems to be more interested in 'leadership' than almost anything else. I can only guess that this comes from the toxic environment of American pop business writing, because I don't see it in the Scriptures. There's plenty there on ministry, but none on the modern conceptualisation of 'leadership'; which is the one drawn out and somehow superior to the others. It is an anti-community, anti-brotherhood concept which should be shown the door.

Effective accountability (another dubious concept in itself...I much prefer the scriptural characterisation of loving brotherly support) would be about...loving brotherly support; bearing one-another's burderns is not a 'leader' act, it is a community act.