25 January 2014

Moltmann on the New Creation

Lifted from Think Theology:
“Whom does John see? He sees the infinite, eternal God coming to the finite beings he has created and to this vulnerable earth. God comes to his transitory creatures on this earth to live among them, and now finally to find rest in his creation as he once did on the sabbath. God will not seek out his dwelling place in special temples or cathedrals. He wants to make his whole creation his home: ‘Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool’ (Isa. 66:1; Acts 7:49). The cosmos is his temple; chaos is his enemy. That is why the beauty of the new creation will drive out chaos. Heaven and earth are waiting to become God’s house, for everything created has been made for love. God’s Spirit is in them all and throws them open for God’s future. God finds no rest until everything he has created has returned home to him, like the prodigal son in the parable.” (Moltmann, Jesus Christ for Today’s World)
 I pick up on "the cosmos is his temple; chaos is his enemy" Hard to see how the chaos of evolution as hypothesised could be a 'means' of creation, then.

And I like his phrase "everything created has been made for love"; love is basic, as it is inherent between the members of the Godhead.